FCC Enforcement Advisory DA18-980

New 11/5:


(A snippet from the above link)
“The EC also was told that the FCC has yet to reply to ARRLs concerns regarding a recent FCC Enforcement Advisory that addressed the importation and use of non-certified radios, which have been marketed to the general public. ARRL officials recently conferred with FCC officials about the Advisory, expressing concerns about a portion of the notice that called on radio amateurs possessing such radios not to use them. ARRL officials believe there was no valid legal basis for that assertion in the notice. The EC directed Imlay to prepare a “white paper” explaining ARRL’s position on the issue to inform members in response to inquiries. ”


After apparently discovering that there are many two way radios being sold on sites like Amazon.com that are not certified for operation by anyone… (including most Baofeng radios), the FCC has taken action!

Mostly to stop the sales, but read on…

NEW!  ARRL in talks with the FCC… (update 10/4)

FCC Enforcement Advisory DA-18-980A1
(click above to read FCC advisory)

Update 10/2/18: After more research, I’ve discovered one of my radios (a “Btech 2AGND-5X3”) is type certified by the FCC: FCC ID Info BTECH 5X3

QRZNow  – This guy thinks you OK to use the radio, if you use it only on FCC allocated frequencies of course.

Medium.com – Here, questions were asked to the FCC, and the answers are not good for anyone that has a Baofeng radio (or three)…

Dave – KD6ZJZ


Author: KD6ZJZ

KD6ZJZ Licensed in 1993